Life on the rock. A Habhater's tale. <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Saturday, March 20, 2004

Caleb and I went to a hockey game tonight featuring the Brockville Braves. This was an incredible night. They had a draw to win some fabulous prizes. First prize was an autographed Ron Francis jersey. 2nd prize was a 2003 Ford Probe. The winners were both excited. Throughout the night (4 times) they played Ron Francis's theme music every time Brockville scored. (for those of you who don't know Ron Francis's theme song is "Simply the Best") Great night. Well here are the top 5 in my personal NCAA pool not the same as the Bethany one I linked you to.
1st Caleb Lapointe 28 points
2nd Stefan Hettrick and Matthew Craven 26 points
4th Kirk Perry and Tim Branscombe 25 points

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