Life on the rock. A Habhater's tale. <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Monday, May 02, 2005

Running Trash Talk

No more Mr. Nice Guy. I anticipate a difficult week of trash talk for everyone. What can you expect when you listen to your new nemesises ideas for topics. My old nemesis (Ben Last) was just too nice and I never ever let him know that he was my nemesis. My new nemesis (Laura Mitchel) I believe will be a much more entertaining foe. On a totally different note we played hide and seek in the upstairs of my house last Saturday night. We being myself, Tim Branscombe, Darren C, Scottie Leighton, Dan Boyd, and that Laura girl. (%$&#$#$) Other than totalling my house it was a lot of fun. I picked the worst spot of the night by trying to fit under my 400 pound double lazy boy couch. It only has 2 inches of clearance so when Tim came in to look for us the couch was a foot and a half off the ground and leaning 45 degrees back. It still took Tim a full 2 minutes to find me making him the worst finder of the night. My hand was pinned and my ribs were hurt. I had to have Tim help lift the couch off me. Good times. Best hider was that girl. Darren thinks he was the best but I disagree. i had no problem finding him but I spent ten minutes looking for "that girl" and she could not be found. Darren always thinks he's the best. "Look at me I'm the best!! No one can find me. I'm unfindable" Anyways here are some very poorly attempted trash talk to get you started:

1. Running? More like walking really fast.
2. You run like Richard Simmons.
3. You are Richard Simmons.
4. I've seen better runners on the side of a car.
5. I hope you're running towards the light because you're useless here.

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