Life on the rock. A Habhater's tale. <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Caleb brings up a good point that I was planning on bringing up at sometime. That is the Spiritual experience I had at the U2 concert. I'll be honest it totally surprised me but as the concert went on it became more and more obvious why they were on stage. They were giving glory to God through their music. The messages taught throughout were: love one another, respect human rights, eliminate poverty in the world, eliminate war, and stop talking begin doing. The second last song they did was Yahweh. If you don't know the song it is a prayer (this is what Bono said) to our maker. The song says take me God, take this city, take everything, it is all yours. The song ended with a huge cross on the stage in the lights and I had shivers going down my spine. At the end of the song Bono kept singing this phrase over and over "'I'm not a stranger, in the eyes of the Maker" It was more than hype for me. I felt the presence of God strongly at this concert. (could have been the pot but I felt it was God) Without even knowing it thousands of people were giving praise to God through their words. I just hope that many make the connection and praised with their hearts as well. I did.

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