Life on the rock. A Habhater's tale. <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Monday, October 03, 2005

Lots of success and lots of Failure

I did make it back safe and sound. I had a great time on the Spiritual side of things. There's just something incredible about getting out into the beauty of God's creation. I lay just above dark harbour the first night under the stars and read my bible and talked to God. The next morning I got up at the crack of dawn hiked down into dark harbour and caught the red trail again and then about halfway between there and Money Cove I lost the trail. I got lost on Grand Manan!!!! I walked till I found a road and looked all over for the trail again but couldn't find it. So I punished myself by walking straight home from there. (About 14 km) without a stop or rest. I was so mad at failing. I will be trying this again though. All toll the trip was around 43 km (a full 11 km longer then Tim's trip) I was a little sore when I got back but was able to recover enough to play in the Bethany Softball tournament on the weekend. We had fans. Way more fans then all other teams other than BBC. They held up a sign that said "Kirk Nice Legs" (because my legs are so muscular and well defined) I got to meet some Jen girl who claimed that AJ had taught her everything she knew. (she was smarter than that) We finished the night making fun of all he Tatton's pets at their house whle eating pizza. I'm going to stop rambling no....

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