Life on the rock. A Habhater's tale. <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

As I've been surfing around and reading various blogs i have discovered a device that is used by many but not by me as of yet. Until now... Of course I'm referring to the list. Some like them and some don't but noone can argue that by listing a group of thoughts on your blog you can increase the length of your post and for some that is what blogging is all about. (not me) So here I go this will be Kirk's first blog list post. Now I've never done this before so don't make fun of me if I don't do it quite right.

1. A lot of people are talking about Harry Potter. A lot of people are also talking about Christmas. i have also noticed that a lot of people are talking about the weather. I think a lot of people need to shut-up. Wow this list thing is fun.

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