Life on the rock. A Habhater's tale. <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Thursday, December 29, 2005

I saw 2 movies over the Christmas break: the chronicles of Narnia and Fun with Dick and Jane. I'd like to be the first to seriously compare these two movies. D&J had more Jim Carrey in it than Narnia which is usually a good thing but Narnia had more allegorical lions in it which is also a good thing. As a comedy Narnia was somewhat lacking and as a fantasy adventure story D&J sucked. I enjoyed the battle scenes more in Narnia than in D&J and the use of wardrobes was both unexpected and refreshing. (spoiler alert) D&J has a few wacky scenes in it. Both movies make use of grass and tables and both had credits at the end. I do think the biggest difference between the two of them was slight differences in the plot and settings. You'd probably have to watch both movies to see what I mean. All in all Narnia was superior in every way except for the ways that it wasn't and combined I would give these two movies an 87 out of 100.

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