Life on the rock. A Habhater's tale. <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I want my site to be recognized as a more credible source of information and content and so my desire over the next few months is to increase its credibility by getting world famous people to leave comments on my blog. My first target is Mike MacNeil. I will not contact him direct but I'm hoping the influence of my readers will be enough to get him to log on and comment. My theory is if Mike MacNeil will comment on your blog then your blog has to be worth reading. We had XD over last weekend and had an amazing time ministering together. I told Mike while he was here that whenever I saw "Be like mike" commercials I always assumed they were about him. ('cause if they were about Jordan they would be saying you should be the most overrated sports figure in history and have a gambling problem) Also I do apologize for my last post as it was a little too serious for my liking (Doug was right) When reading it replace the word "post" with the word "fruitbat" and the word "worst" with the word "tastiest" That's better.

That's a great story. Waiting for more. ยป
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