Life on the rock. A Habhater's tale. <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Do you ever have that feeling like no matter what you do it will never be enough to make the people around you happy? Do ever wake up and feel like you will never satisfy the people around you? Does it seem like you just don't fit in? Well I don't. On a different note I watched the Lost finale last night and chose not to watch the anti Biblical bow to your American Idol finale. Sorry but Taylor Hicks winning is a joke. Lost on the other hand entertained me. J.J. Abrams is a genius. I was pleased to find out he directed the new Mission Impossible 3 and turned the movie into something watchable and believable. I'm hoping to check out Xmen 3 tomorrow to see the super hero that is based on my life. (Colossus) I'd like to sit down sometime and talk to him about how he deals with being indestructible. Sometimes when I'm wrestling with someone I feel sorry for the one I'm wrestling knowing there is nothing they can do to hurt me. Well I'm going golfing in an hour so I must get ready. Always remember only you can prevent forest fires and so far you've been doing a great job.

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