Life on the rock. A Habhater's tale. <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Monday, May 01, 2006

Ok if you go back to April 15th you can read the real comment that Mike MacNeil made on my blog thereby making it that much more cooler. (the blog I mean) All other comment signed by Mike since then have been by Mrs. Identity stealer "not Neves" (Wait till operation get "not Neves" credit cards and distribute them on the net to see how she likes identity theft operation goes down) Ok to bring even more prestige to my blog I'm hoping the next celebrity commenter will be none other than Dan Lamos. Dan and I are both alumni of one of the greatest singing groups of all time (His Likeness) and when it comes to getting things done I know Dan would say "I am a fighter, I have put my trust in Him. I am a fighter I will win." So Dan if you hear about this please comment on my blog as it will make me feel all squishy inside.
For those of you that don't understand Euchre or the slang here is an explanation of the song:

The last card Game - Going alone and knowing there is only one card you can lose on. You sing the song until the last card is played.

Tara Smith Under Trump - Apparently Tara was guilty of this a lot. It is playing a trump card when you don't need to that can't beat the trump that have already been played.

pulling a Tim - going alone and getting Euchred. While this does happen to even the greatest Euchre players (ie: Anita and myself) it seems to happen to Tim more than most. (named after Tim Branscombe)

left and right - the two Jacks of trump also referred to as the bowers

vibe - unexplainable feeling professional euchre players get to take bids that seem weak or to play cards that may be risky. You don't make fun of the vibe as listening to it determines what level of Euchre you will achieve.

Bruce it - ordering up trump without looking at your cards (named after Robert Bruce)

pulling a Steph - making a blatant Euchre error and it working out for you. This is not to be confused with the vibe. (named after Stephanie Neves) This euchre maneuver just recently lead to my first ever skunk game verses you guessed it the Steph.

Jonned - to trump another person's trump (trump not being lead) (named after Jon Billings)

Geoffed - to trump a Jon this would mean the first person didn't lead trump but the next three players all do in ascending value. The one who Geoffs it gets the hand. (named after Geoff Hooper)

Harem Scarem - the Queen of diamonds in the Elvis deck that we often played with

Temptress - taking the bid with queen, ten, nine being your only trump (also referred to as the seductress)

Anita - reference to Anita Pybus the worlds top ranked Euchre player and host of the famous Anita Pybus annual invitational Euchre tournament

turn down a bower lose for 60 minutes - original saying is turn down a bower lose for an hour but that is just too cutesy to me so I changed it.

So there you go. Now you understand. If you don't then you don't even know how to play euchre which is very sad.

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