Life on the rock. A Habhater's tale. <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Thursday, July 06, 2006

I'm heading to Beulah this afternoon so I probably won't be posting for at least a week and a half. While you are waiting for me to post again here are a few things that you can do:
1. Start getting ready for Ground Hog Day. It is only 7 months away and from some of the celebrations I saw last year most of you need the time to get properly prepared.
2. Write a book. Since it was my idea I'd like a measly 30% of your profits. If you don't know what to write about run around your house 40 times as fast as you can or until you pass out and the first thing you think about when you come to...write about that. (that's how I post)
3. Kick a cat. Now I like my cats but the stupid neighbour cat was fighting with my cats last night and the noise was keeping me up. I did hit it with an elastic. The cat ran out of the yard but in retrospect I do wish I had kicked it instead.
4. Make cookies. Self explanatory
5. Put on a purple thing and dance around. I know I've mentioned it before but let's be honest you haven't been doing it. Don't make me make you do it.
6. Write a song or poem about Cassidy. If you don't know who that is I pity you.
7. Insult a baby. (they can take it)
8. Start calling people "farty pants" (thank you Weird Al)
9. Start a petition. Make it a fun one. Something like "We the undersigned disagree with the governments current stand on rain. We believe more research should be done to figure out why the song Rain, rain, go away come again another day doesn't work"

That's it. See you soon.

Best regards from NY! »
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