Life on the rock. A Habhater's tale. <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Monday, July 24, 2006

Well I went White Water Rafting last week in Penobscot Maine and I must say it was a very enjoyable experience. The thrill of going through each rapid knowing it may be the one that finally throws you to your death was a rush that won't be soon forgotten. Towards the end of our trip we brought our raft in to shore and climbed up a hill and jumped about 16 feet into a swirling body of water. Apparently I didn't jump far enough as, as soon as I went under the water both my feet landed on a ledge. Fortunately I had my knees bent and ended up going immediately into crouch. I say fortunately not because I was worried about breaking my massive, muscular legs but I would have hated to break the ledge off and change the beautiful underwater landscape. Highlights for me of the trip included:

1. Being thrown out of the raft at the first 15 foot drop.
2. Spending all day in one sandal after losing one in the above incident.
3. Being used as an airbag.
4. Sliding down the rock waterslide.
5. The class 5 rapids.
6. Naming a rock "Clarence"
7. Having one of our raft mates almost drown. (sorry Chris but it was intense and I am glad you survived)
8. Being bit by a snake while I was sleeping. (I suppose it could have been a hornet)
9. Resetting Scott's defective Ipod and all of his songs dissappearing.
10. Nathan MaCarthur
11. Spending time with the whole gang.

Everyone should go. If you don't think you want to risk it than go anyways. You'll most likely survive.

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