Life on the rock. A Habhater's tale. <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Well most of you have heard by now Creation was cancelled. It was really too bad. Cassidy had already entertained me way more than Tim and Darren had last year. I felt really bad for the ones that didn't get to go that had never been there before. That would really suck. Next year will be insane. I think everyone should plan on going now. I'm guessing they'll probably break 150000. (people not ants)

On a lighter note my favourite Fifa World Cup team is still alive. Gooooooo Germany!!!. You may ask wouldn't Canada be your favourite team. Other than the fact they will probably never make it again I figured since all the Edmonton fans out there were calling me unCanadian for cheering for Carolina I would stop cheering for all Canadian teams. (I find most fans of Canadian teams to be countriests) (this is not to be confused with Hab fans who cheer for Satanists) BTW I started cheering for Germany even before they made the final 16 teams. There are only 4 teams left that can win the World Cup. One of them is Germany, Scott Ingalls would say and another is Italy. Scottie and Tim would remain silent as there fav teams (England and Brazil respectively) are already gone. Wow i could have my favourite team win the Stanley Cup and the World Cup in the same year. I may be the only person in the world able to say that.

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