Life on the rock. A Habhater's tale. <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Friday, August 25, 2006

Well I did it. Many of you probably think I shouldn't have but your opinion means about as much to me as a pile of festering seal poop. It was Monday night and I was in Saint John and I was less than a km away and so I broke down and went to see a movie that is sure to change the way all of us look at life in general. That's right I saw SNAKES ON A PLANE. Scottie Leighton was with me and no matter what he says he laughed and jumped at all of the appropriate times. There is a nudity seen at the beginning which was just a stupid add on but other than that I was thoroughly entertained. The whole concept of the movie was cheesy and so anyone that complains about parts of it being cheesy has totally missed the point of this, dare I say masterpiece. A good time for sure. My recommendation for everyone is to go see it but sit behind someone you know (or don't know) Periodically throughout the movie get on the floor and reach under the seat and grab the legs of the people in front of you. I'm pretty sure hilarity will ensue.

Some friends of mine (Stephanie, Nicole, Ryan, and Jasenda) took me out to McLaughlin's Wharf for a belated birthday dinner tonight. The food and company was amazing and thanks again for thinking of me.

Now go see Snakes on a Plane. Incidentally on my Hawaii flight I'm doing the same one that is in the movie. I may keep my feet up.

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