Life on the rock. A Habhater's tale. <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

My friends around here have been complaining that the adventure stories that I've been writing about are stories that I have already told them. I have decided that this story will be one that I have not shared with them yet. (For some reason I think they think I keep my most entertaining stories to myself) I call this story:

Kirk Gets Busted By the Law

One warm star lit evening on the coast of Oahu Kirk was out walking the streets of Waikiki. He came to an intersection and had the desire to cross the street that lay before him. As he glanced up he noticed the large Don't Walk sign. He ceased his movement and began to wait. Moments later the light changed to green that was in front ofhim but the sign remained at its Don't Walk status. He realized this was happening to allow for left turns and so he looked to his right to see if there were any vehicles in sight. There were none visible and so Kirk proceeded to cross the road. When he reached the other side (safely and still with no vehicles in sight I might add) his continued progress was stopped by a uniformed 5-0 . (slang for Hawaiian police officer ie: Hawaii 5-0 the TV show) He began to explain to me that I had put my life in danger by being so reckless in my street crossing shenanigans. Kirk then explained to him all the care he had taken towards crossing the street in complete safety but the officer refused to listen to Kirk's well thought out argument. A few seconds later he released me to carry on my way.

I hope those of you looking for new stories enjoyed this little tale. I don't think it will go on my permanent record but if it does and I get those wanted posters put up in the post office I want my criminal name to be "Safe Walking Sasquatch"

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