Life on the rock. A Habhater's tale. <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Wow it's 3:00 AM I must be lonely. Someone should write a song about that. They could call it Gold Digger or something like that. Well since my time will soon be coming to an end here in Australia I've decided to stop sleeping so I can spend as many of the waking hours that I have left as I can enjoying this beautiful country. My favourite NRL team won the Grand Final tonight. There are not many people if any in the world that can say that their favourite NHL team and and favourite NRL team won the championship in the same year. Well just a short note to say I made a discovery tonight that has me regretting my entire Pride and Prejudice blog entry. That discovery is the Bollywood version of the same story entitled Bride and Prejudice. I only was able to see and hear fragments of it but from what I heard there may be potential for it to pass the BBC version. Mr Collins in particular made me giggle. Ok for those of you still reading that have had nothing of interest to read yet I submit this to you: Panda meat tastes amazing.

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