Life on the rock. A Habhater's tale. <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Saturday, December 30, 2006

10 days eh? I do think this is my longest time between blogs all year. Well another year has come to an end. This is usually the time that people make a bunch of resolutions that they won't keep past the first week of the new year and so I have decided to bring back the top 9 list with Kirk's Top 9 Resolutions for 2007

# 9 I will finish my music video that I started shooting 3 months ago.
# 8 I will begin a podcast which will rival 2 other really cool podcasts.
# 7 I will have at least one piece of pie every 6 months.
# 6 I will shoot at my neighbour's cat. I do not promise to hit or harm it in any way. (I can only hope)
# 5 I will offend Gillian Gilmore this year.
# 4 I will get a metal DDR pad and resume my quest to be a world champion.
# 3 I will buy a unitard. (#4 and #3 are destined to be combined)
# 2 I will wear my tellatubby hats while moshing at more than one concert this year. (One has been my tradition)
#1 I will continue to hate the Habs with every fibre of my being. I will develop new insults, write jokes about them and do my best as one of God's creation to destroy the reputation of this "team". I will devote 12% of my brain to be in continuous use coming up with devious plans and intricate schemes to bring this franchise to an end once and for all.

Here are the final standings for the stock pool. We all started with $10000 from the imaginary money tree and you can see how we all did:

Kirk - 23041.16
Matt - 11055.28
Robin - 10548.72
Tim - 10201.06
Jo - 10176.54
Elliot - 10100.76
Darren - 10026.03
Holly - 9930.12
Aaron - 9463.24

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