Life on the rock. A Habhater's tale. <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Sunday, January 21, 2007

I've noticed a lot of people lately posting pictures of themselves with famous people with the thumbs up flashed. At first I just thought this was a subtle yet organized scheme to overthrow the government. Now I realize it is more significant. It is a challenge to see who can get the thumbs up with the most important person. I accept that challenge and submit these two recently taken pictures of me. I apologize that the focus isn't great. Since I was in the pictures I obviously couldn't take them as well. That and I don't own a digital camera and these are just stills taken from my video camera.

The first is of course myself with Zorro and Elena Montaro. They were very kind and Zorro offered to kill all the people that were with me but as Tim was one of them (and my brother Kilo) I told him I could do it myself later. (true story) The second is a picture of me with your hero and mine: Barney. It would have been with the real one but even though I saved Tim's life that morning he refused to go to Barney Land while it was still open. Let the thumbs up contest begin.

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