Life on the rock. A Habhater's tale. <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Thursday, March 15, 2007

I'll put up my first update for the NCAA pool Friday night after the first round is over. We may have a record number of participants this year. Now on to more important things. I am being stalked. That is right I Kirk Perry of 414 rte 776 Grand Manan have a stalker. I don't know how these things happen as I'm always so careful with my personal information on the internet. It all started with a facebook group called "you're dead to me wall" by Elliot Innes. I nominated someone and ever since the person got put on the Dead to me wall he has been terrorizing my life. Here is what I wrote:

"Hmmm I'd like to vote Snoopy on to the Dead to me wall. There are many reasons why this should happen. He obviusly was physically abusing Woodstock. If you decifer the code !! !!!! !!! means "help me he has a bat". Secondly what was the deal with him flying his dog house around and shooting at the Red Baron. Who did he think he was "Arthur Roy Brown"? (this Canadian actually shot him down) Snoopy was trying to take credit for other people's hard work. He dances like a person staring at a skyscraper and his name denotes the idea that he probably is a stalker as well. Snoopy must be walled. Since February 12 2000 he also hasn't done anything new. WALL HIM!!!!!"

Since this I have received threatening email cards from Snoopy, a friend request from him in facebook, and small rodents are turning up dead in my backyard. Snoopy or as many like to call him "Snoop Dog" must be stopped. Help me!!!

Current NIT Pool Standings:

Rebecca Perry - 26 Points
Scottie Leighton - 24 Points
Kirk Perry - 22 Points
Graham Perry - 22 Points
Sydney Joy - 22 Points
Tim Branscombe - 22 Points

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