Life on the rock. A Habhater's tale. <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Ok so I got home from bible study at about midnight and on the way home noticed the waves were really high by the Castalia ball diamond. The winds were blowing at about 95 km/h. When I got home I did what all sensible people do when it is raining and blowing that hard. I called Scott Ingalls and we hiked out to the swallow tail lighthouse. It was awesome. We sat out at the bench on the point and watched the waves crashing against the rocks. We actually got sprayed from one particularily big one. I can still taste the salt on my lips from it right now as I'm typing. We forgot our tarp and so we didn't play "How Far can I Jump in a Hurricane" (technically the wind wasn't at hurricane strength) Leaning against the wind is always fun and we could jump a little further. The biggest surprise was when we decended the steps and saw that the railing on the bridge had blown over. We knew then it wasn't safe to be out. So we continued on. Fun stuff. I do hope it doesn't cause too much damage around but it is simply amazing to go out in the elements and see a bit of a bigger glimpse of the power of God. It's amazing to think He has control over these things. Oops I got serious. Sorry.

P.S. Thanks for the weather God. I liked it.

Aw, that sounds like fun. Too bad XD wasn't still there... that would have been a pretty Xtreme thing to do with them. :)
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