Life on the rock. A Habhater's tale. <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Lately I've been just so aware of my wrist and I owe it all to Stephen Colbert and his Wriststrong bracelets. I believe his campaign to promote wrist awareness has probably saved me from wrist injury at least twice. During the day I'll look down and see the bracelet and then say to myself "I have a wrist". It has been very comforting. One of the rules of owning one of these bracelets is if you meet someone who is more famous then you, then you have to give them your bracelet. The idea behind this is eventually all the famous people in the world will have them and Wrist neglect will become a thing of the past. I salute this effort. (I wouldn't be able to salute without my wrist) and applaud the greatness of this campaign. (again impossible without my wrists.)

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