Life on the rock. A Habhater's tale. <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Friday, November 14, 2008

Live like no one else... 

It's funny I've been blogging for quite a while now and my rule about not having serious posts ever sometimes stand in the way of me telling everyone how much they don't know. Since obviously I have a plethora of knowledge to share with the world I have determined that this is not very fair. Here is the best advice I could give you today. If you haven't already check out Dave Ramsey I wish I had been following his advice when I graduated high school. It's not a get rich quick thing but it is a how to discipline your life so you can have the opportunity of getting rich thing. "Live like no one el;se so later you can live like no one else" Our church has been teaching Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University on Sunday nights and it is helping a lot of families who are trying to deal with this changing economy. One of Dave's main teaching points is how to get out of and stay out of debt. This has helped Jo and I a lot and we will be debt free except for house related debt by next year. If you've never heard him he has a podcast on itunes that is worth checking out. He's funny, educational, and very entertaining. I enjoy learning about finances. (which is weird) If you've never heard of this the temptation will be to just skip over this post but I really hope you check him out. At least pick up one of his books which will help you get on a plan to win.

"Advice your grandmother would give you only we keep our teeth in"

If you live in the States check out if a Financial Peace University class is near you. Apparently they are everywhere.

At night monkeys steal my underwear (just bringing some balance to this post)

Totally agree. Ramsay is funny and very insightful. Our church teaches Crown Financial Ministry rather than Financial Peace University, but both are excellent and I highly recommend both.
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