Life on the rock. A Habhater's tale. <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Monday, March 22, 2010

NCAA Session 2 results 

Wow my wife attended Northern Iowa for a semester and she's pretty pumped. Like another member of our pool however she had no confidence to take her team all the way. Cough Cough Scottie cough. We also added Tammy Craig to our pool. She picked Duke so she shouldn't be a threat.

1. 46 Points - Donny McDougall
2. 44 Points - Nathan Smith
3. 43 Points - Holly and Sparrow Branscombe, Barack Obama
5. 42 Points - Tammy Craig
6. 41 Points - Dan Boyd, Chris Stephens, Tim Branscombe
9. 40 Points - Peter Beckwith, Scottie Leighton, John Croft, Will Cruickshank
13. 39 Points - Scott Ingalls, Jo Perry, Greg Dakin, Tammy Park, Tyrone Gardiner
18. 38 Points - Kirk Perry, Paul Perry, Bob Croft
21. 37 Points - Lynnette Perry, Kilo Graham Perry, Kevin Wilson, Danny Mack
25. 36 Points - Dave Finlay, Dice Picks
27. 35 Points - Danielle Park, Simon MacInnis
29. 34 Points - Michael Park, Rebecca Perry
31. 33 Points - Aaron Perry, Kristi Ingersoll, Dave Lunn
Last 30 Points - Neil Horner

Kentucky - 10 People
Kansas - 7 People
Syracuse - 7 People
Duke - 5 People
West Virginia - 1 Person
Ohio State - 1 Person
Gonzaga - 1 Person
Temple - 1 Person
Villanova - 1 Person

The following people have had their national champion already eliminated and therefore have no chance of winning:

Dice Picks - Temple
Scott Ingalls - Villanova
Tim Branscombe - Gonzaga
Nathan Smith - Kansas
Barack Obama - Kansas
Peter Beckwith - Kansas
Scottie Leighton - Kansas
Michael Park - Kansas
Kristi Ingersoll - Kansas
Neil Horner - Kansas

Of course there are 11 teams left that no one picked. If one of them wins it actually is anyones game again.

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