Life on the rock. A Habhater's tale. <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Monday, May 30, 2005

Too bad AJ if you had put power and regime next to each other in that sentance you could have birthed to the world yet another oxymoron. I've been hearing a lot of comments about the new Star Wars movie. Once again it seems mixed. For myself I liked it better than the first two. (I loved the first two) In typical human fashion I will now focus on the negative. I have used better lines in showing love to my cats than were used between Padme and Anakin. No wonder she turns evil gets a sex change and becomes Darth Vader. (that was for those who haven't seen the movie yet. What a great twist that would have been.) Negative point number 2 nothing surprised me at all in the movie. No "luke I am your father" or "you were making out with your sister in the last movie" . Negative point number 3 I don't buy the transformation of Anakin from good to evil. To me it seemed farfetched. I'm speaking in generalities on purpose because I don't want to spoil it for anyone else. The action is great, Yoda rocks, amazing light sabre duels. I did love the dark feel that it had. I ate an entire bag of nibs in ten minutes because Tim said it couldn't be done. All in all a very enjoyable experience. What did you think?

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Just so you know I'm taking a break from the trash talk thing. Responses had been down and even though it would be no problem coming up with 25 or so responses myself I enjoy feeding off the creative minds of my friends.

We finally got back from May Rally weekend. Because of the weather, the boat didn't run on Sunday which meant A) I got to see Star Wars. B) We had to find a place for 47 people to sleep at short notice. We ended up staying in five different cottages at Beulah Camp. When we got to the boat the next morning, since the boat hadn't run the night before the line up was extremely long. We were one of 30 vehicles left behind so we sent all the kids on the boat as walkons and waited for the next ferry. This lead to the invention of a few more games on our trip over. The boat was rolling pretty bad so we went top deck and played some wind leaning, ferry surfing and bench jumping.

May Rally was amazing. God really was working in the lives of our teens. The Monday night we got back we had a worhip time at the church for any of the teens that wanted to come. Between that and the youth night last night it is obvious to see how God has been working. The complacency we had seen some weeks in the youth's worship was gone.

My personal highlight of May Rally other then making people hold herring in their mouth was being invited up on stage to play cowbell with Three Season Ant. They rocked all weekend and to share a stage with great musicians like them will always be an honour.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Ultimate Hot Tub Video

This is a video from this past Easter weekend. The video speaks for itself. We basically drove around in the back of a pickup truck enjoying our hot water and bubbles. This video is a little larger than most of my others so if you don't have high speed it may take a little while to load. You can click the link on the side under Kirk's movies or click this: Ultimate Hot Tub

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Stalking Trash Talk

I decided to take AJ's advice. (what has happened to me?) So this week it will be stalking trash talk. I got my video camera back yesterday and was finally able to load our hottub footage on my computer. I have three videos I will be editing for this weekend (May Rally) so I'm not sure how long it will be before I publish a video about the hottub. I also picked up a second DDR mat this weekend and so the competition for who is the best will be happening real soon. Those of you going to May Rally may get a taste of it. One video that I have finished is a reworking of the numa numa video that has been circling the internet. The original features an overweight kid by the name of Gary Brolsma rocking out to this song on his webcam. I have added some pictures of friends to the video and have a special guest dancer towards the end. Once again you will need to be at May Rally to see who it is. Well enough of that here is some trash talk:

1. I've seen better stalkings worn by the 1983 Los Angeles Lakers.
2. You suck at Stalking. (sorry Mike)
3. Oh you were stalking me I just thought you were lost over the past 4 years.
4. I don't care how much you like me I won't play peek a boo with you.
5. You have the stealth of a bull in a Nitro Glycerine Shop.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Sorry there was no new trash talk this week. Feel free to continue to use the running one for the rest of the week. I'll start fresh next week. I wonder how many sentances I can end with the word week. Maybe I'll do a study on that in 7 days.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

We are going to be having our fifth Contemporary Service this Saturday. Every week the numbers seem to be getting bigger but way more important to me is the freedom that I am experiencing and sense that others are experiencing at the service. We have people showing up that don't regularly go to church and coming back with their friends the next week. For me it has been a great outlet to worship without holding back(the way God intended for all of us to worship) We learned "Dare you to Move" last night and if my voice holds out it should be a lot of fun. I love the guys I'm playing with. They care a lot about getting it right and can actually get it right. Thank-you God for music, 'cause without it there would be a lot more Country artists. (I use the word "artist" very loosly)

Monday, May 02, 2005

Running Trash Talk

No more Mr. Nice Guy. I anticipate a difficult week of trash talk for everyone. What can you expect when you listen to your new nemesises ideas for topics. My old nemesis (Ben Last) was just too nice and I never ever let him know that he was my nemesis. My new nemesis (Laura Mitchel) I believe will be a much more entertaining foe. On a totally different note we played hide and seek in the upstairs of my house last Saturday night. We being myself, Tim Branscombe, Darren C, Scottie Leighton, Dan Boyd, and that Laura girl. (%$&#$#$) Other than totalling my house it was a lot of fun. I picked the worst spot of the night by trying to fit under my 400 pound double lazy boy couch. It only has 2 inches of clearance so when Tim came in to look for us the couch was a foot and a half off the ground and leaning 45 degrees back. It still took Tim a full 2 minutes to find me making him the worst finder of the night. My hand was pinned and my ribs were hurt. I had to have Tim help lift the couch off me. Good times. Best hider was that girl. Darren thinks he was the best but I disagree. i had no problem finding him but I spent ten minutes looking for "that girl" and she could not be found. Darren always thinks he's the best. "Look at me I'm the best!! No one can find me. I'm unfindable" Anyways here are some very poorly attempted trash talk to get you started:

1. Running? More like walking really fast.
2. You run like Richard Simmons.
3. You are Richard Simmons.
4. I've seen better runners on the side of a car.
5. I hope you're running towards the light because you're useless here.

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